Provider Specialty Codes

The following provider specialty codes are the industry standard codes. Medisoft stores only the three-character code in the Provider (Filename: MWPHY.ADT) and Referring Providers (Filename: MWRPH.ADT) files.

001 = General Practice

002 = General Surgery

003 = Allergy

004 = Otology, Laryngology, Rhinology

005 = Anesthesiology

006 = Cardiovascular Disease

007 = Dermatology

008 = Family Practice

009 = Gynecology (DO only)

010 = Gastroenterology

011 = Internal Medicine

012 = Manipulative Therapy (DO only)

013 = Neurology

014 = Neurological Surgery

015 = Obstetrics (DO only)

016 = Obstetrics - Gynecology

017 = Ophthalmology, Otology, Laryngology, Rhinology (DO only)

018 = Ophthalmology

019 = Oral Surgery (Dentists only)

020 = Orthopedic Surgery

021 = Pathologic Anatomy: Clinical Pathology (DO only)

022 = Pathology

023 = Peripheral Vascular Diseases or Surgery (DO only)

024 = Plastic Surgery

025 = Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

026 = Psychiatry

027 = Psychiatry, Neurology (DO only)

028 = Proctology

029 = Pulmonary Diseases

030 = Ophthalmology

031 = Roentgenology, Ophthalmology (DO only)

032 = Radiation Therapy (DO only)

033 = Thoracic Surgery

034 = Urology

035 = Chiropractor

036 = Nuclear Medicine

037 = Pediatrics

038 = Geriatrics

039 = Nephrology

040 = Hand Surgery

041 = Optometrist

048 = Podiatry, Surgical Chiropody

049 = Miscellaneous

051 = Medical supply company with C.O.

052 = Medical supply company with C.P.

053 = Medical supply company with C.P.O.

054 = Medical supply company (other)

055 = Individual CO

056 = Individual CP

057 = Individual CPO

058 = Individual (other)

059 = Ambulance service supplier

060 = Public Health or Welfare agencies

061 = Voluntary Health or Charitable Agencies

062 = Licensed Psychologist (billing independently)

063 = Portable X-ray Supplier (billing independently)

064 = Audiologist (billing independently)

065 = Physical Therapist (independent practice)

069 = Independent Laboratory (billing independently)

070 = Clinic or other group practice except GPPP

071 = Diagnostic X-ray

072 = Diagnostic Laboratory

073 = Physiotherapy

074 = Occupational Therapy

075 = Other Medical Care

080 = Registered Nurse

081 = Licensed Practical Nurse

086 = Acupuncturist

087 = All other

099 = Unknown

This information is also available through the Medisoft help menu.