Login Page Won't Load
The page does not load or Internet Explorer crashes when you navigate to practicechoice.mckesson.com. In most cases you will see the loading animation, but at 100% you receive an error or a blank screen.
First, make sure your internet connection is stable by trying to browse to another website. Also, confirm that at least 1 other person in the office is able to log in to practice choice. These two steps will rule out other possible causes of the problem. If no computer in the office is able to connect to practice choice, or if you are unable to open any other website, please contact your local support to troubleshoot networking an internet problems.
- Uninstall Silverlight
- Open the Control Panel
- Click Programs and Features
- Select Microsoft Silverlight
- Click Uninstall
- Clean you internet cache. We recommend cleaning your system with a cleanup utility like CCleaner, but any system cleanup utility should work. Alternatively, follow these steps to use Internet Explorer's cleanup function.
- Open the Control Panel
- Click Internet Options
- Click the Delete button under Browsing History
- Check the boxes for:
- Preserve Favorites website data
- Temporary Internet Files and website files
- Cookies and website data
- History
- Download History
- Re-install Silverlight by navigating to practicechoice.mckesson.com and following the prompts on screen.