Conversion Problems


Conversion to new version Medisoft states there are users in the database during or after the automatic backup during conversion, but Advantage Database does not report any users accessing the data or it is a single user edition of Medisoft.

Solution 1:

Remove all temp files from the practice folder in Medidata and ensure no other programs are accessing the data such as antivirus or automated backup programs such as Carbonite or Crash Plan. Restarting your computer may be necessary in order to free those files completely.

Solution 2:

Run "Repair Practice Data" in MediUtils from the ORIGINAL Medisoft version on the data. For example, if you are converting from Medisoft 17 to Medisoft 20, MediUtils must be run from Medisoft 17.

Solution 3: ***WARNING*** Do not use Advantage Data Architect unless you are familiar with all Medisoft tables and the function of the data dictionary. If used improperly is can damage your data.

The audit tables may be missing or corrupt.

  1. Rename or Remove all files that begin with mwaudd, mwaudm, and mwauds
  2. Open the practice with Advantage Data Architect
  3. Open the properties for each of the tables in step 1 and change the "Auto Create Table" setting to "True"
  4. Open each table to allow the system to create a new version of each
  5. Once you have confirmed each table has opened, go back to the properties for each table and change the "Auto Create Table" setting back to "False"