Sending Taxonomy Code

Taxonomy codes identify the type of service a provider or practice performs. If you do not know the taxonomy code associated with your NPI number, you can look it up in the publicly available NPPES directory.

Not all carriers require taxonomy codes to be submitted with claims. In order to send your taxonomy information to a carrier through Medisoft you must enable the following items:

  1. The provider ID and/or practice ID rule must include your taxonomy code
  2. The insurance carrier setup must have the "Send Practice Taxonomy Loop 2000A" option enabled

For individual claims, ensure the provider's taxonomy code is listed by following these steps:

  1. Go to Lists -> Provider -> Providers
  2. Select the provider you wish to add a Taxonomy Code for
  3. In the provider setup you will find a Provider IDs tab with a list of rules for submitting attending provider information. Any claim with the current provider selected as attending provider must use the most specific rule on this list
  4. To add a Taxonomy Code, select the rule associated with the carrier you wish to send the Taxonomy Code to and click Edit. If no rule exists, click the New button to add a new rule
  5. On the "Edit Provider ID" screen, select the radio button next to "Taxonomy Code" (note that New rules will need the provider's individual NPI and Tax ID to be filled in as well)
  6. Enter the Taxonomy Code in the space to the right
  1. Click OK and then Save your changes

For group claims, ensure the practice taxonomy code is listed by following these steps:

  1. Go to File -> Practice Information
  2. In the Practice IDs tab you will find a list of rules for submitting group claims. Any claim marked to "File As" a group must use the most specific rule on this list
  3. To add a Taxonomy Code, select the rule associated with the provider/carrier combo you wish to send the taxonomy code to and click Edit. If no rule exists, click the New button to create a new rule
  4. On the "Edit Practice ID" screen, select the radio button next to "Taxonomy Code" (note that New rules will need the practice's NPI and Tax ID to be filled in as well)
  5. Enter the Taxonomy Code in the space to the right
  1. Click OK and then Save your changes

Once you have ensured your Taxonomy Code is filled in for the provider and carrier you wish to send it to, ensure that your carrier is set up to receive the taxonomy code:

  1. Go to Lists -> Insurance -> Carriers
  2. Select the carrier you wish to send the taxonomy code to
  3. Click Edit
  4. Navigate to the EDI/Eligibility tab
  5. Make sure the Send Practice Taxonomy Loop 2000A option is enabled
  1. Make sure to Save your changes
NOTE: Some carriers request the Taxonomy code to be listed in the Legacy Identifier section. See the tutorial on Practice Legacy Numbers or Provider Legacy Numbers for information on how to send the Taxonomy code in those fields.